It also isn't going to be a walk through 'How to Play Switch Axe' guide, due to various different controls, there are plenty of videos online that do a far better job explaining controls than a written guide could ever do. It should also be noted that this guide is not going to be a super hardcore meta guide (as I usually try to challenge meta with these guides). On PC, the base version of Rise has all of these updates included from the get go, but this guide will be organized with the Switch's release timeframe in mind. Now, I had originally played Rise on the Switch, so most of the information I have is from base Rise being in three updates, versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. This guide will also provide guides made by other users online, for things such as meta mixsets and the like.
This guide is to give people an idea of what Switch Axes are good options, as I personally hate the mentality of one Switch Axe being the 'go-to' that previous Monster Hunter titles had (which, Rise does an excellent job of countering). Since then, I've seen Switch Axe slowly and surely get love from Capcom with each game, getting tweaks and changes to transform it into the powerhouse it is today. The Switch Axe is one of 14 Weapons available in Monster Hunter Rise, and a weapon I have personally loved for years, it being the new weapon featured in my first Monster Hunter title, Monster Hunter Tri.